Mass Intention
When a priest celebrates Mass, he offers each celebration for a particular person, or intention.
You can request an Intention in the 'add a note to seller' at the 'check out'. If you would like a particular date, add that to the Intention in the 'note to seller'. Every effort will be made to offer Mass on that date, but cannot be guaranteed.
Only the surnames of the dead can be listed, express permission is required if the Intention is for a living person.
Mass Intentions are not announced at MPB but can be found in the weekly newsletter here.
There is no 'fee' but the Church suggests an offering be made. The guide would be the cost of the priest's food for that day. The Diocese suggest £10. Adjust quantity for number of Mass requests and/or amount offered.
The gift you make can be GiftAided, please complete a GiftAid declaration if you have not already done so using the link here.